Pharmacy Online

Manage Prescriptions on the Go

Make your next visit to our Pharmacy from virtually anywhere. Wegmans Pharmacy online offers you greater convenience in ordering, monitoring, and receiving prescriptions when and where you want them for you and your family.

Already have an account?

Need an account*?

person using computer

With our online services you can:

Refill prescriptions from your list

Sign in to refill from a complete list of your prescriptions and track order status.

Refill prescriptions by typing Rx number

Find your prescriptions by Rx number (no Wegmans Pharmacy account needed)

Manage prescriptions for family members and others

You can manage prescriptions for family members, dependents, partners, elders and even pets.

Access your Pharmacy account from any device

Manage your prescriptions on the go – Wegmans Pharmacy online is mobile friendly. Available in your web browser on your mobile phone or tablet. 

Text Alerts

Sign up online to receive text alerts letting you know when a prescription is ready for pickup.

Medication Reminders

Set up reminders for refills and timing of taking your medications.

Transfer prescriptions from other pharmacies

Transfer prescriptions to a convenient Wegmans pharmacy from your current pharmacy. Quick and easy.

Find a Wegmans Pharmacy near you

Find your closest Wegmans pharmacy, see hours and services here.

Print your prescription purchase summary

Create a customized statement showing a history of all prescriptions purchased during a specified time period.

Ship your prescriptions with Home Delivery

Anywhere in the United States.

Questions? View our Pharmacy Online FAQs

*Please Note – First time Pharmacy Online account users will need to have your identity validated.  The personal identity verification check is administered by our trusted business partner Experian®. It’s a one-time process that involves answering specific questions ensuring the person attempting to access your pharmacy information truly is you.