clean ingredients

Testing for Great Taste

About two years ago, we focused on improving our MVP sports drink to develop a formula with clean ingredients.  We knew it was going to be important to listen to our current customers of sports drinks as well as young athletes for feedback on product improvements, such as taste.

mvp students

In May of 2016, we were asked to speak to the 5th grade business class at Allen Creek Elementary in Pittsford, NY.  We thought this was a perfect opportunity to talk to them using our new MVP as a real example of how we develop and test products.  Knowing that many of them are also student athletes who use sport beverages, we were eager to get their feedback through a blind taste test against Gatorade, as well as provide insight on what is important to them in a sports drink.  After it passed their tough review, we took it to our sports drink consumers and conducted several rounds of testing to make sure we got the taste right with them, too.

Now it’s your turn—give the new MVP a try!

mvp students